The Department team consists of scientists with significant practical experience in field of engineering geology and geotechnics. They are valuable experts in geoengineering documenting and interpretation of geotechnical in-situ tests. Their papers are cited, among others, in the standards for field tests of subsoil.

The Department scientists are also appointing as expert witness in field of engineering geology and geotechnics. Furthermore, Assoc Prof Jędrzej Wierzbicki and Dr Robert Radaszewski are members of The Commission for Geological-Engineering Documentation.

The results of the research works are regularly presented at international and national branch geoengineering and geotechnical conferences. Furthermore, Assoc Prof Jędrzej Wierzbicki was asked to prepare the special lectures about current problems of interpretation of advanced geotechnical in-situ tests twice by Scientific Committee of the cyclic National Conference of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.

The results of scientific papers are applied in geological and geotechnical analysis, which are commissioned by economic entity. Practical application can be proven by recent elaborations: